Northwest offers nearly $22 million in scholarships each year.
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[UG] Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degree) | [G] Graduate (Master's Degree)
该奖项将代表州内和州外学费之间价格差异的价值. It is equivalent to approximately $7,832 during your first year based on 28 credit hours (奖学金总额将根据所修学分而有所不同).
For international NEW freshmen (first-year students) 为了符合NIAS的资格,他们必须有累积的高中平均绩点2.75 or higher.
For international NEW transfer students 为了符合NIAS的资格,他们必须以至少2分的成绩转学到和记棋牌娱乐.在至少24小时的可转换学分中累积GPA达到75. 少于24个可转学时的转学生将仅根据新生标准获得资格.
这些是自动申请到学生账户的奖学金. 这些奖学金不需要申请奖学金.
Renewal Requirements:该奖项将代表州内和州外学费之间价格差异的价值. It is equivalent to approximately $7,516 during your first year based on 28 credit hours (奖学金总额将根据所修学分而有所不同).
For international NEW freshmen (first-year students) to be eligible for the NIAS, 他们必须毕业于非英语学校,并达到以下英语水平之一:
For international NEW transfer students 为了符合NIAS的资格,他们必须以至少3分的成绩转学到和记棋牌娱乐.在至少24小时的可转换学分中累积GPA达到00,并且达到NIAS英语水平标准以上. 少于24个可转学时的转学生将仅根据新生标准获得资格.
这些是自动申请到学生账户的奖学金. 这些奖学金不需要申请奖学金.
Renewal Requirements:
The President's Scholarship and Admission-Based Freshman Scholarships are mutually exclusive; they do not "stack" and cannot be combined.
The President's Scholarship and Admission-Based Freshman Scholarships are mutually exclusive; they do not "stack" and cannot be combined.
Scholarship | Index & Requirements | Award Amount (fall/spring) |
Renewal Requirements |
Transfer Merit |
Transfer Academic Scholarship |
Transfer Distinguished Scholarship |
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship (PTK) |
Requirements | Award Amount |
Renewal Requirements |
有资格获得CS/IS国际研究生成就奖学金, 申请人必须在学术背景方面取得高水平的成就,并符合计算机科学与信息系统学院校园研究生课程的全部入学要求. Students in other graduate programs, online programs, 或者有条件地被研究生院录取的学生不符合条件.
有了这个奖项,你将获得500美元作为第一学期的学费. The scholarship is a one-time award and is automatic. No application is needed.
搜索由西北基金会资助的奖学金的最新列表,并查看捐助者资料, view the Northwest Scholarship search tool.
国土安全部要求和记棋牌娱乐证明国际学生已被全日制录取,并有足够的资金支付所有学费, housing and transportation, among other costs. Northwest requires a Statement of Support 以及学生家庭、担保人或政府出具的银行对账单.
支持声明证明学费的资金, room and board, as well as personal funds are available, 并且该学生被允许将这些资金出口并兑换到美国.S. I-20 form cannot be issued without this certification.
牛津大学为国际学生提供的经济援助越来越多. 具有理想的学术背景证书的学生以及在ACT或SAT中取得优异成绩的学生可以获得学术奖学金. 但是,国际学生不能获得基于需求的经济援助.
美国大使馆和主要的两国文化中心可以提供其他财政援助来源的信息. 学生可与和记棋牌娱乐学院联系, 美国大学拉丁美洲奖学金项目, American Friends of the Middle East, 非裔美国人研究所和美韩基金会.
Investigate government scholarships from your country.